
We are proud to announce that our First Full Length Album, 'Sober' is now available on all Music Retail & Streaming Outlets... such as iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon and Spotify


New Album, Sober can now be purchased or streamed on all retail or online stores...

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Breaking News!

•Ear Monsterz proudly presents "Sober". Our long-awaited full album was released on 27-July-2017. See our main page for more information. This album is available on iTunes and other fine music retailers.


•"Ear Monsterz" is proud to announce that 4 of our songs will were featured in the Hollywood action movie / DocuDrama, "Mobster"... In fact, we are in charge of the entire Movie Soundtrack and Score. Now you know why Ninef and Emil have been so incognito... 


• "Sober " by "Ear Monsterz" was just reviewed by and has gotten Raving Remarks... check it out here...


• Also, here is our Interview that was conducted by "

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